Clean energy snack - Superfood trail mix

As some of you may or may not know I am laid up awaiting my fourth back surgery this month. This one will be a big one and due to some major allergies I can not tolerate pharmaceutical drugs (which I think is a blessing in disguise, albeit a painful one, but still a blessing). Instead I will be employing every ounce of knowledge I have about alternative medicine, healing techniques, and most importantly holistic nutrition to heal and cope through this tough time.

Some think that when you are in a time of physical crisis ( i.e. sick, injured, or even depressed) is a time to turn to comfort foods but I am adamantly opposed to this concept. The time when you are at your lowest is the MOST important time to fuel your body with nutrient dense food to accelerate healing. I also believe that feeding yourself nourishing food at any time is a beautiful way to honor the body you have been given no matter what state it is in. 

Since I can’t do much in the way of cooking I want to show you something I have been eating that doesn’t take much in the way of effort but packs a huge nutritional punch.

Check out this superfood trail mix that requires no cooking at all!

Here is the run down of what each of these foods offer nutritionally to make them “super foods”

  • Cacao nibs/cacao is one of nature’s richest dietary sources of magnesium and is also an excellent source of iron and dietary fiber.

  • Cashews provide an impressive profile of beneficial oils and an ideal ratio of healthy saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats.

  • Pumpkin seeds are a good source of plant-based protein, iron, and trace minerals.

  • Goji berries are a high source of protein, a wealth of antioxidants and over 20 vitamins and minerals.

  • Goldenberries contain a high amount of carotene and bioflavonoids, vitamins A and C.

  • Mulberries contain iron, calcium and vitamin C along with dietary fiber and resveratrol.

Please be conscious of the sources of your nuts and fruits to make sure they are coming from reputable sources (I have linked organic and reliable companies above). I also soak my cashews and pumpkin which removes anti-nutrients (compounds that can interfere with the absorption of nutrients), increases nutrient density, and makes the nuts more digestible. This is optional but highly recommended if you have the time. Instructions are in the recipe below

No matter what state you are in you can add equal parts of each of these ingredients, portion it out in 1/4 cup servings and pack them up in portable containers so you have power food on the go (in the car, hiking, or even at your desk for a late afternoon snack). You can top off your favorite yogurt, smoothie, or salad with this mix or do what I do and make it into a cereal!

Add a 1/4 cup of the trail mix with some plant based protein powder into a bowl and top it with a non dairy milk for an instant and delicious morning cereal. SO. GOOD.

Don’t worry if you don’t have all the ingredients you can make an even simpler version using just pumpkin seeds, cacao nibs, and only one of the dried fruits (mulberries, gojis, or golden berries) and mix those in equal proportions. I pick whatever is cheaper that week to make this and remember to keep your serving size to fit in the palm of your hand because dried fruits sugars have been concentrated in the drying process. I must also add that Nutivas naturals just came out with this same exact trail mix already mixed so you skip buying all the ingredients separately and purchase it here. I will admit its a bit more expensive to buy it pre made but that is for your to decide what will suit your needs best. 

My family will be helping me document my food, supplements, and pain management techniques during my pre and post recovery period on my social media platforms so make sure to follow my journey!




Superfood Trail Mix

Serves 12

Vegan - Raw - Gluten Free - Grain Free - Dairy Free - Refined Sugar Free


  • 1/2 c Cacao Nibs
  • 1/2 c Goji Berries
  • 1/2 c Mulberries
  • 1/2 c Goldenberries
  • 1/2 c Cashews
  • 1/2 c Pumpkin Seeds


  1. Add all the ingredients to an airtight container and store in a cool dry place or portion out in 1/4 cup servings in baggies for on the go nutrition!


  1. Feel free to not use all three dried fruits, its a personal choice and it boils down to which ones you want to buy or what is most available to you.
  2. I like to soak my nuts and seeds because it removes anti-nutrients (compounds that can interfere with the absorption of nutrients), increases nutrient density, and makes the nuts more digestible.

Here is how I do it

  1. In a large glass bowl or mason jar add the nuts/seeds and cover with warm, filtered water (about a 2:1 ratio) and about ½ tsp. Celtic sea salt. Cover with a light cloth for 8 hours (overnight is perfect). Rinse thoroughly and drain. I allow mine to dehydrate in an oven at its lowest temperature until dried (4-8 hours) or in a dehydrator to achieve a crispy texture but they can be eaten right away they will just have a squishy texture.