Anti Inflammatory Spice Rub

Some of you may or may not know this but I am currently recovering from back surgery. Booooo. 

Since I can’t really cook my family has been making all my meals and stacking them up in cute little containers which we so appropriately call MRE’s (MEAL ready to eat…we are military family if you couldn’t tell). One of the recipes that is a staple for these precious packages is this  spice rub…

My mom mixes this with melted grass-fed ghee, smothers it over halved brussels sprouts and bakes for 35-40 minutes until crispy. I have come to associate the smell of this spice rub with healing and now I want to share it with you. 

It is basically a mash-up of turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, smoked paprika, cayenne, cumin, and so much more! Grab you favorite curry powder, garam masala, smoked paprika and make triple batches of this so you can always have it on hand. The huge amount of turmeric, ginger, and black pepper help aid in inflammation and digestion which is why this is a must have for anyone with arthritis, chronic pain, or auto immune diseases. 

This spice rub is  > Franks Red Hot …... because I put this stuff on everything! ;) 

My favorite uses:

  •  Sprinkled on hard-boiled, scrambled, or eggs of any kind. 
  • Mixed into melted ghee and tossed with veggies roasted until crispy (check out my favorite brand OMghee here
  • Sprinkled on chicken, pork, beef, fish, basically any protein!
  • Toss into freshly made french fries or sweet potatoes. 
  • Sprinkle over freshly popped organic popcorn.

Whip up a triple batch of this (because once you’ve tried it you will not able to live without)

What is your favorite spice, and how do you use it? 

Anti Inflammatory Sweet & Smokey Spice Rub

Yields 6

Raw - Vegan - Paleo - Gluten Free - Grain Free - No Sugar 


  1. 3 Tbl Smoked Paprika
  2. 2 Tbl Curry Powder (I prefer a mild curry but use your favorite brand)
  3. 1 Tbl Garam Masala (brand recommendation Frontier spices)


  1. Mix the spices up, place in an airtight jar, and store in a dry cool place.